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Hang Hubert YIN, Ph.D.

Hang Hubert Yin is currently a Professor and Deputy Dean of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tsinghua University. After studying for a bachelor's degree at Peking University, he received his PhD from Yale University in 2004 under the supervision of Professor Andrew Hamilton and then spent a post-doctoral period at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine with Professor William DeGrado. Prior to joining Tsinghua, he was a tenured faculty member of the University of Colorado Boulder.

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Hang Hubert Yin is currently a Professor and Deputy Dean of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Tsinghua University. After studying for a bachelor's degree at Peking University, he received his PhD from Yale University in 2004 under the supervision of Professor Andrew Hamilton and then spent a post-doctoral period at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine with Professor William DeGrado. Prior to joining Tsinghua, he was a tenured faculty member of the University of Colorado Boulder. His research interests lie at the interface of chemistry, biology, and engineering with particular focuses on structure-based drug design, cell signaling biochemistry, biotechnology development, and membrane protein simulations. Professor Yin is a recipient of many accolades for his research in chemical biology and drug discovery, including the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, American Chemical Society David W. Robertson Award for Excellence in Medicinal Chemistry, CAPA Distinguished Junior Faculty Award, NSF CAREER Award, AACR Gertrude B. Elion Cancer Research Award, Sidney Kimmel Scholars Award, and HHMI Collaborative Innovation Award among others.

1. Zhang, S.; Hu, Z.; Tanji, H.; Jiang, S.; Das, N.; Li, J.; Sakaniwa, K.; Jin, J.; Bian, Y.; Ohto, U.; Shimizu, T.; *Yin, H. “Small Molecule Inhibition of TLR8 through Stabilization of Its Resting State”, Nat. Chem. Biol. 2018, 14, 58-64 (cover article; featured in C&EN “Latest News”).

2. Hu, Z.; Tanji, H.; Jiang, S.; Zhang, S.; Koo, K.; Chan, J.; Sakaniwa, K.; Ohto, U.; Candia, A.; Shimizu, T.; *Yin, H. “Small Molecule TLR8 Antagonists via Structure-Based Rational Design”, Cell Chem. Biol. 2018, 25, 1286-1291(cover article).

3. Bhattacharyya, S.; Wang, W.; Qin, W.; Cheng, K.; Coulup, S.; Chavez, S.; Raparia, K.; De Almeida, L. M.; Stehlik, C.; Tamaki, Z.; *Yin, H.; *Varga, J. “TLR4-Dependent Fibroblast Activation Drives Persistent Organ Fibrosis in Skin and Lung”, JCI Insight 2018, 3, e98850 (featured in “ News & ViewsNat. Rev. Rheumatol. 2018, 14, 564-566).

4. Zhang, L.; Shi, L.; Soars, S. M.; Kamps, J.; *Yin, H. “Discovery of Novel Small-Molecule Inhibitors of NF-κB Signaling with Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Cancer Properties”, J. Med. Chem. 2018, 61, 5881-5899.

5. Zhang, L.; Dewan, V.; *Yin, H. “Discovery of Small Molecules as Multi-TLR Agonists with Proinflammatory and Anticancer Activities”, J. Med. Chem. 2017, 60, 5029-5044.

6. Smith, C. E.; Soti, S.; Jones, T. A.; Nakagawa, A.; Xue, D.; *Yin, H. “NSAIDs are Caspase Inhibitors”, Cell Chem. Biol. 2017, 24, 281-292 (featured in “ConcentratesC&EN 2017, 95(10), 10; NIH Research Matters; The Sun; Daily Mail).

7. Das, N.; Dewan, V.; Grace, P. M.; Gunn, R. J.; Tamura, R.; Tzarum, N.; Watkins, L. R.; Wilson, I. A.; *Yin, H. “HMGB-1 Activates Proinflammatory Signaling via TLR5 Leading to Allodynia”, Cell Rep. 2016, 17, 1128-1140.

8. *Yin, H.; Flynn, A.D. “Drugging Membrane Protein Interactions”, Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 2016, 18, 51-76.

9. Wang, T.; de Jesus, A.; *Shi, Y.; *Yin, H.; “Pyridoxamine is a substrate of the energy-coupling factor transporter HmpT", Cell Discov. 2015, 1, 15014.

10. Daniele, S. G.; Beraud, D.; Davenport, C.; Cheng, K.; *Yin, H.; *Maguire-Zeiss, K. A.; “Activation of MyD88-Dependent TLR 1/2 Signaling by Misfolded α-Synuclein, a Protein Linked to Neurodegenerative Disorders”, Sci. Signal. 2015, 8, ra45 (highlighted in “ This Week in ScienceScience 2015, 348, 769; Podcast: Maguire-Zeiss, K. A.; Daniele, S. G.; Yin, H.; VanHook, A. M.; Sci. Signal. 2015, 8, pc12; feature story by the Xinhua News Agency).

11. Cheng, K.; Gao, M.; Godfroy, J. I. III; Brown, P. N.; Kastelowitz, N.; *Yin, H.; “Specific Activation of the TLR1-TLR2 Heterodimer by Small-molecule Agonists”, Sci. Adv. 2015, 1, e 1400139 (featured in “ Science & TechnologyC&EN 2015, 93(15), 39-40).

12. Smith, C. E.; Wang, X. H.; *Yin, H.; “Caspases Come Together Over LPS”, Trends Immunol. 2015, 36, 59-61.

13. Yang, H.; Chen, Y. Z.; Zhang, Y.; Wang, X. H.; Zhao, X.; Godfroy, J. I.; Liang, Q.; Zhang, M.; Zhang, T.; Yuan, Q.; Royal, M. A.; Driscoll, M.; Xia, N. S.; Yin, H.; Xue, D. “A Lysine-Rich Motif in the Phosphatidylserine Receptor PSR-1 Mediates Recognition and Removal of Apoptotic Cells”, Nat. Commun. 2015, 6, 5717.

14. Csakai, A.; Smith, C.; Davis, E.; Martinko, A.; Coulup, S.; *Yin, H. “Saccharin Derivatives as Inhibitors of Interferon-Mediated Inflammation”, J. Med. Chem. 2014, 57, 5348-5355(cover article).

15. Wang, X. H.; Grace, P. M.; Pham, M. N.; Cheng, K.; Strand, K. A.; Smith, C. E.; Li, J.; Watkins, L. R.; *Yin, H. “Rifampin Inhibits Toll-like Receptor 4 Signaling by Targeting Myeloid Differentiation Protein 2 and Attenuates Neuropathic Pain”, FASEB J. 2013, 27, 2713-2722.

16. Wang, X. H.; Smith, C.; * Yin, H. “Targeting Toll-Like Receptors with Small Molecule Agents”, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2013, 42, 4859-4866 (cover article).

17. Brown, P. N.; *Yin, H. “PNA-Based MicroRNA Inhibitors Elicit Anti-Inflammatory Effects in Microglia Cells”, Chem. Commun. 2013 , 49, 4415-4417 ( 2013 Emerging Investigatorsissue).

18. Morton, L. A.; Saludes, J. P.; Beninson, L.; Chapman, E. R.; Fleshner, M.; *Yin, H. “MARCKS-ED Peptide as a Membrane Curvature Sensor”, ACS Chem. Biol. 2013 , 8, 218-225.

19. Cheng, K.; Wang, X. H.; Zhang, S.; *Yin, H. “Discovery of Small-Molecules that Inhibit the Protein Complex of Toll-Like Receptor 1 and 2”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 12246-12249 (cover article; featured in “ Science & Technology ConcentratesC&EN 2012, 90(35), 33).

20. Saludes, J. P.; Morton, L. A.; Ghosh, N.; Beninson, L.; Chapman, E. R.; Fleshner, M.; *Yin, H. “Detection of Highly Curved Membrane Surfaces Using a Cyclic Peptide Derived from Synaptotagmin-I”, ACS Chem. Biol. 2012 , 7, 1629-1635.

21. Wang, X. H.; Loram, L. C.; Ramos, K.; de Jesus, A.; Thomas, J.; Cheng, K.; Reddy, A.; Somogyi, A. A.; Hutchinson, M. R.; Watkins, L. R.; *Yin, H. “Morphine Activates Neuroinflammation in a Parallel Manner to Endotoxin”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2012, 109, 6325-6330 (highlighted in “ Research Highlights This WeekNature 2012, 484, 419; “ This Week in PNAS”; Sci. Signal. Editors’ Choice; featured on the website of the Association of American Universities; recommended by the Faculty of 1000 website).

22. Chavez, S. A.; Martinko, A. J.; Lau, C.; Pham, M. N.; Cheng, K.; Mollnes, T. E.; *Yin, H. “Development of β–Amino Alcohol Derivatives that Inhibit TLR4-Mediated Inflammatory Response as Potential Antiseptics”, J. Med. Chem. 2011, 54, 4659-4669 (headlined in Global Medical Discovery).

23. Cheng, K.; Wang, X. H.; *Yin, H. “Small Molecule Inhibitors of the TLR3/dsRNA Complex”, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2011, 133, 3764-3767.

24. *Yin, H. “Exogenous Agents that Target Transmembrane Domains of Proteins”, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 2744-2752 (cover article).

25. Yin, H.; Slusky, J. S; Berger, B. W.; Walters, R. S.; Vilaire, G.; Litvinov, R. I.; Lear, J. D.; Caputo, G. A.; Bennett, J. S.; DeGrado, W. F. “Computational Design of Peptides that Target Transmembrane Helices”, Science 2007, 315, 1817-1822 (featured in “ News of the WeekC&EN 2007, 85, 11; “News and Views” Nat. Biotech. 2007, 25, 646; and “Editors’ Choice” Sci. Signal. 2007, 2007, tw119).
