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E-mail: MJZHANG@tsinghua.edu.cn

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1.Zhen Fan, Leming Sun, Yujian Huang, Yongzhong Wang and Mingjun Zhang*. Bioinspired Fluorescent Dipeptide Nanoparticles for Targeted Tumor Imaging and Realtime Monitoring of Drug Release, Nature Nanotechnology, doi: 10.1038/nnano.2015.312, 2016.

2. Zhen Fan, Chaochu Cui, Yan Chang, Leming Sun, Fan Yuan, Zui Pan* andMingjun Zhang*. Near-infrared Fluorescent Peptide Nanoparticles for Enhancing Esophageal Cancer Therapeutic Efficacy. Nature Communications, 9:2605 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04763-y, 2018.

3. Tao Yue, Xinghua Jia, Jennifer Petrosino, Dong Wang, Jesse Fine, Scott Galster, Rebecca Davis, Doug Scharre,Mingjun Zhang*. Computational integration of nano-scale physical biomarkers and cognitive assessments to diagnose and predict the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Science Advances, https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.1700669, 2017.

4. Scott C. Lenaghan, Corinne A. Davis, William R. Henson, Zhili Zhang andMingjun Zhang*. High-Speed Microscopic Imaging of Flagella Motility and Swimming in Giardia lamblia Trophozoites. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108 (34), pp. 13891–13892, 2011.




1. 2022 Mingjun Zhang, Tiancheng Sheng and Mingxiao Xie, Foldable Expandable ECoG Electrode Design and Fabrication for Brain Machine Interface, PCT/CN2022/137957

2. 2016 Mingjun Zhang. A High-throughput and Cost-effective Approach for Robust Diagnosis of Alzhei- mer's Disease, 62/341,458.

3.2016 Mingjun Zhang, Scott Galster, Xinghua Jia, Douglas Scharre, Dong Wang. An assistive robotic helmet to promote brain health for aging population. Patent application, 62/524,919.

4.2015 Mingjun Zhang, Zhen Fan and Leming Sun Arthro- botrys. Synthesis of fluores- cent peptide nanostructures. Patent application, 62/268,827.

5.2013 Mingjun Zhang, and Yongzhong Wang. Nanoparti- cles from oligospora as an Immunostimulatory and Antitumor Agent. Patent application PCT/US13/66393, October 2013.